AWS Certification Training in Chennai | 100% Placement Support
AWS training in Chennai with certification and Job Placements. Learn AWS from beginner basics to advanced level techniques with We Tech Zone.

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AWS Certification Training in Chennai helps you to become expert and validate your computing skills so you can get more out of the cloud. Learn to Design AWS Infrastructure with Classroom and Virtual Training. AWS Certification Training will empower you to work on Real world projects. Build your cloud skills to the advanced level of your career with Best AWS Training Course in Chennai in We Tech Zone. Amazon Web Service – AWS provides on-demand cloud computing platforms to the individuals out there.
AWS Training in Chennai is a broad solution-based training program that needs to be known by the individuals who are looking to evolve their skills in cloud computing. Fresh learners will be able to receive a high-quality AWS Training Experience from the industry experts. With our advanced AWS Training Courses you will be a specialist in Deploying Machine Learning Model like Amazon Augmented AI, Amazon CodeGuru, Amazon Comprehend, Amazon Fraud Detector, Amazon Forecast and Amazon Kendra.
Placement Screenshot
AWS certified professionals are in demand. We Tech Zone technologys AWS training institute in Chennai will help you master in all aspects including AWS fundamentals,AWS Administration,AWS development,AWS AI,AWS data science,AWS security,AWS Data Engineering,AWS Database Administration,AWS Architect for SAP workloads,AWS solution Architect,AWS DevOps Engineering.
In this AWS training we will cover 11 different courses and multiple hands on projects as an assignment to reflect and relate real – issues to the ideas and techniques discussed in the class room lectures.

1. Compute (EC2)
- AWS EC2 instance creation
- Instance upgrading
- Website creation in both Linux and Windows
- Create AMI image and restoring instance from image
2. Storage
- EBS volume types
3. Networking (VPC)
- VPC creation & connection
- VPC with nat instance
- VPC nat-gatway
- VPC endpoint
- VPC flowlog
4. Vpc-connectivity
- vpc-peering connection
- vpc peering with diff account
5. Vpn-setup
- vpn-connection
- vpc-peering &openvpn setup
6. Aws-cli
- instance creation using cli
- volume creation,snapshot
- attach,detach volumes
7. Terraform
- Familiarizing IntelliJ IDE
- Terraform concepts Init, Plan, apply, destroy
- Terraform providers
- Terraform states Local, Remote, S3, Dynamodb
- Input and output variables
- Terraform built-in functions
- Deep diving modules and creating own modules
- Terraform expressions
- Deploying AWS services using terraform
- Building Terraform real-time environment DEV, ACCEPTANCE, PRODUCTION
8. Python for boto3 lambda
- Python variables and types
- Operators
- String operations
- Lists
- Conditional statements
- Looping statements
- Dictionary
- Objects and classes
- Functions
- Using boto3
- Practicing lambda operations
9. Glacier
- creating vault storage
- uploading,downloading data through aws-cli
Interview preparation
- with real time scenarios and architecture related preparations!
10. Elastic Loadbalancer(ELB)
- classic elb creation & setup webservers
- High availability setup with autoscaling
- ALB complete setup with multi-website hosting
11. Route53
- Domain registration & Route53 record set maintain
- subdomain creation.
- Route53 route policies across the glob
12. Rds (Relational Database)
- Db engine creation & connect with webservers
- M-Z Read Replica setup
- Mysql Master-Slave setup different Regions
- mysql logs & Restoring through S3 bucket
13. CloudFront – CDN
- setting up Cloudfront from websits & speedup
14. Aws Messaging Services
15. IAM (identity Access Management)
- Access Management for aws console
- Roles, policies
- Multi factor Authentication
16. KMS
- Keymanagement for aws securing storages
17. CloudTrail
- auditing aws account & Tracking logs
18. One Devops Project
- Interconnecting Jenkins, GIT ,Sonar cube, Nexus, Docker and AWS real time project.
19. Linux and shell scripting
- Linux basic commands
- Installing, updating, removing packages
- Process monitoring and cron jobs
- Linux networking and commands
- Service and permission management
- SSH and password less authentication
- Advance shell commands
- Bash Conditional statements
- Bash looping statements
- Functions
20. AWS code build
- Deep diving code build on aws console
- Integration with github
- Creating custom build spec file
- Automating code build using terraform
21. AWS code commit
- Creating and managing new repositories
- Connecting codecommit with ssh and https
- Pull requests
- Integration with codepipeline
22. Monitoring Services
- Cloudwatch Monitoring
- Monitoring instances with 3rd party tools (Prometheus, Grafana, Alert Manger)
23. AWS Migration Services
- VM to EC2(AMI) migration
- Multiple VM migrations with real time setup (SMS)
24. AWS Security issues
- Trusted Advisor
Troubleshooting issues
- All real time practical issues and troubleshooting steps
25. ECS – Elastic Container Service
- On-premise docker image to AWS ECS
- ECS Cluster setup and service preparations!
26. EKS – Elastic Kubernetes service
- Deploying EKS cluster using aws management console
- Node groups and cluster autoscaler
- Creating ECR registry and repository
- Integrating ECR with EKS cluster
- Deep diving ingress controller
- Setting up Lens for kubernetes IDE
- Deep diving kubernetes resources
27. Terraform and Cloud formation
28. Cloud formation (Automation tools)
- automating the infra structure
- Code reuse
29. Lamda functions
30. Cloud watch and fluentd (log service)
- Deploying fluentd daemonset
- Fluentd and cloudwatch integration
- The fluentd plugins
31. AWS code artifact
- Creating code artifact repository
- Using artifact with maven
- Creating domain
- Managing packages
32. AWS code pipeline
- Deep diving code pipeline on aws console
- Creating the pipeline
- Integration with github
- Auto trigger using codestar connection
- Automating codepipeline using terraform
33. Object-storage
- s3 bucket,object creation
- s3 bucket properties & accessing s3 through console

AWS Certification Training
100% Job Oriented Training
Certification Guidance
Virtual and Classroom Training
AWS Project Training with Practices
frequently asked questions
How long it take to learn AWS?
It takes 3-4 months to learn the basic concepts of AWS. These concepts include Management of the AWS instance and permissions, Compute EC2 Configuration, Troubleshooting, and Security Management.
Is AWS Certification enough to get a job?
This question is often asked by the students. The answer is that an AWS Certification only will not get you a job. Several other factors helps you to get a job after this certification.
Can a Beginner Learn AWS?
Yes, a beginner can learn AWS and the best place to start as a beginner is with the Cloud Practitioner Exam. This exam will give you a solid basis in AWS.
Is AWS Hard to Learn?
AWS is a steep learning curve and you will need to know fundamental technology before starting AWS Course Training.
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Max batch size for AWS is 13 members.
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